

The Reserve Bank of India has circulated new guidelines on 17th March 2020 related to the Regulation of Payment Aggregators and Payment Gateways. These guidelines mandate the Payment Aggregators and Payment Gateways to get authorization from RBI, by obtaining the settlement of payment to the merchant at fixed transaction time. The guidelines are the detailed technical and operational for Payment Aggregators and Payment Gateways that includes merchant onboarding, customer data access, audit obligations, and data sovereignty. Through these guidelines, RBI decided to regulate the activities of payment aggregators and assist them by providing baseline technology related to payment gateways.

What is RBI Payment Aggregators & Payment Gateway Audit?

In March 2020, all the existing non-banks Payment Aggregators are required to take the authorization from RBI before 30th June 2021. From now, the Payment Aggregators and Payment Gateways will be regulated by RBI to ensure the safety of all the online transactions.

The Key aspects that RBI is going to include in their guidelines are described below.

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It’s an important practice that gives organizations visibility into real-world threats to your security. As part of a routine security check, penetration tests allow you to find the gaps in your security before a hacker does by exploiting vulnerabilities and providing steps for remediation.


Digital Report

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