RBI System Audit Report for Data Localization (SAR) & Storage of Payment System Data is a compliance mandate driven by RBI to ensure appropriate security measures and data localization controls for storage of payment related data.

What is RBI System Audit Report (SAR) Data Localization Audit?

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) issued a notification to mandate the storage of all end-to-end transaction data within India on April 8, 2018. RBI, the central banking institution, controlling monetary policies in India, requires unrestricted supervisory access to all the payment data and hence this mandate. Data Localization can be referred to as a government policy for storing the user data collected within its jurisdiction on the servers located within the country.

In today’s Data Storage Technology trend, data is generally preserved in a different location for quickly available data back up for data centers. Reserve Bank of India authorizes all global and local transaction operators in India to preserve all end-to-end payment data “within the country” has been whispering in the present payment environment across the world. The authorization is relevant for every organization handling payment data – initiating from fintech firms that perform peer-to-peer payment transactions to gateway operators which are accessed globally for universal funds transactions.

Circular for Payment Operators Include the Major Items as Below:

What We Deliver ?

It’s an important practice that gives organizations visibility into real-world threats to your security. As part of a routine security check, penetration tests allow you to find the gaps in your security before a hacker does by exploiting vulnerabilities and providing steps for remediation.


Digital Report

Our experts will furnish an itemized security evaluation report with legitimate remediation steps to be taken. Distinguish Security Weaknesses inside your Digital Asset permitting you to proactively remediate any issues that emerge and improve your security act.


Skilled Consultants

We also assured you that your assessments are executed by Qualified Experts. Our group of security specialists holds industry capabilities, for example, CHECK Team Member and Team Leader, CEH, ECSA, OSCP, CISA, CISSP, and many more. Distinguish Security Weaknesses inside your Digital Asset permitting you to proactively remediate any issues that emerge and improve your security act.


Compliance & Certification

We will help you with the Compliance & Certification process that deals with the understanding of various documentation having the implementation verification. RnR is worked with the wholesome approach that deals with compliance process.

Trusted by International Brand

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