
What is ISO 27001?

It is known as one of the International Standard that is required to be followed by the organization while enhancing the security of information assets, financial information, employee data, other information of customers, vendors, and another third party. To keep them secured will be possible by following the ISO 27001 standards.

ISO 27001 is the most efficient standard that protects risk management and multiple other services when they deal with Information Security Management System. However, this system includes a series of organized frameworks and approaches that ensured the confidential information of the organization is kept secured using the robust ISMS.

Why ISO 27001 is Required?

An ISO 27001 ISMS (Information Security Management System) is a systematic and pro-active approach to manage risks to the security of your company’s confidential information.

The ISMS helps in efficient management of sensitive corporate information and highlights vulnerabilities to ensure it is adequately protected against potential threats. It encompasses people, process and IT systems.

An ISO 27001 certification is suitable for business of any size, in any given sector, which is looking to increase and enhance the company’s security of its data.

Benefits of ISO 27001

What We Deliver ?

It’s an important practice that gives organizations visibility into real-world threats to your security. As part of a routine security check, penetration tests allow you to find the gaps in your security before a hacker does by exploiting vulnerabilities and providing steps for remediation.

Digital Report

We scan the digital assets of your business for vulnerabilities and present you detailed information about each issue, along with steps to take to fix it. With this knowledge, you can make smart decisions about what's important and what can be left as-is. This will help you create a stronger security protocol, better safeguard your files and data, and get ahead of any potential threats.


Skilled Consultants

Security is our passion! We're a team of certified cyber security specialists holds industry capabilities, for example, CHECK Team Member and Team Leader, CEH, ECSA, OSCP, CISA, CISSP, and many more. We specialize in incident response, network security, and ethical hacking. Even if you've never had an issue, we work proactively to ensure your system stays protected. We have the credentials and the certifications to show for it.


Compliance & Certification

We will help you with the Compliance & Certification process that deals with the understanding of various documentation having the implementation verification. RnR's team of experts will help you make sense of compliance & certification for your product. We have helped hundreds of businesses find the right path to market and bring their products to life.

Trusted by International Brand

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