CERT-In Certification for Websites, Networks & Applications
As a CERT-In Empaneled Security Auditor, we conduct a thorough security audit of your website, network, and apps in accordance with the CERT-In Guidelines for IT Security Audits. When the audit is successfully conducted and all standards have been met, we issue a certification in accordance with CERT-In.

Overview of the process for CERT-In Certification:
- Step 1 – A complete level 1 audit of your website, network, or applications is carried out, followed by a detailed report.
- Step 2 – Upon patching, a level 2 re-testing audit is carried out and all patches and fixes are verified.
- Step 3 – The CERT-In Security Certificate is granted along with supporting documentation and compliance reports for your customers and partners.
Who needs the CERT-In Certification?
- Companies hosting any application or portal at National Informatics Center (NIC)
- Companies selling software, hardware or services to the Government of India
- Companies or software that falls under the mandates of RBI Cyber Security Framework for Banks
- Companies or software that falls under the mandates of RBI Guidelines for Payment Aggregators and Payment Gateways
- Companies or software that falls under the mandates of RBI – Cyber Security Framework for Urban Cooperative Banks
- Companies or software that falls under the mandates of RBI Guidelines for Cyber Security in the NBFC Sector
- Companies or software that falls under the mandate of SEBI Cyber Security and Cyber Resilience Framework
- Companies or software that falls under the mandate of UIDAI – AUA KUA Compliance
- Anyone that is selling, licensing or deploying software or services for any organisation under the IRDA mandate for ISNP Security Audit

CERT-In Certification for Websites, Networks & Applications
Companies or software that falls under the mandates of RBI Cyber Security Framework for Banks
Companies or software that falls under the mandate of UIDAI – AUA KUA Compliance
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